
under one umbrella - תרגום לאנגלית

With your charm I decided to go

To see the second movie show

With some luck it's started to rain

Be happy that it was no body's blame


With some luck I knew your face already

With your charm then you smiled at me

With some luck you offered me to go then

With you aside together hand In hand


Here we are under one umbrella dear

Jumping between the Puddles and smile

Lovely city in the lights all over

Life is beautiful - you can give a try


With some luck we didn’t catch the movie

With your charm the tickets were gone

All the streets were dazzled by the wind

I don’t remember then how it seems 


A big light appear without a notice

Then the thunder came striate after him

I felt fear Predominant all over

You adopt me to your body then


Here we are under one umbrella dear

Jumping between the Puddles and smile

Lovely city in the lights all over

Life is beautiful- you can give a try


With your charm the rain had gone and Venice 

And the city sky were blue again

 If the meeting was short and quickly

Then who to blame – the whether man


No body asked if we will get to meet again

A wind was blow – it was kind of late

But always when there is some water

Both we are having a small dance


Here we are under one umbrella dear

Jumping between the Puddles and smile

Lovely city in the light all over

Life is beautiful - you can give a try
Two remarks - שתי הערות מעכשיו בעברית
נעלם ובמילון זה נתן לי תרגום לאותה מילה    - Venice לא ידעתי איך לכתוב  
כך שאם דוברי האנגלית שבניכם מבחינים בטעות אז תדעו שזאת הייתה הכוונה
כמו כן לאחר שתרגמתי את השיר מצאתי שיש תרגום  אחר לשיר במסגרת המחזה כנר על הגג באנגלית שמבוצע בידי חיים טופול ואסתר עופרים
תמללתי את התרגום. אבל בכל מקרה זה התרגום שלי
שיהיו עוד הרבה ימים של גשם כי אנחנו צריכים אותם:)
